Monday, January 4, 2016


the East End laundromat is spacious
and relatively new. 
there must be 30 pairs of washers and dryers
and 2 big long folding tables
plus a dozen rolling metal baskets
for moving the clothes around
it's a pleasant place --
white walls, lots of light
plastic chairs to sit in while you wait
a TV tuned in to the local news station
even better, the machines all work
(including the change machine)
and they don't swallow your quarters!
usually half a dozen island women
and one or two men are busily engaged
in folding clothes and sitting around
and making conversation
they’re invariably kind
and helpful to outsiders like me

now that I've joined the ranks of those
who don't have a washer dryer
I appreciate all these niceties
I whiled away a leisurely hour or two of my birthday
reading a book and listening to the locals talk
while I watched my t-shirts and towels spin
a young woman who teaches at the island culinary school
was happy to use up my extra dryer minutes

- thursday 18 november
ordinary time 2015
East End, Tortola, BVI

1 comment:

  1. went to the laundromat for the first time ever today. i really liked it.
