Wednesday, March 22, 2017

pelican poop

pelican poop

an afternoon of scrubbing the deck
and I am finally
ensconced in the hammock
enjoying a rest
and the early evening breeze
when to my horror
I see a blob that shouldn’t be there
on our newly scrubbed port bow
it looks like someone spilled
half a bucket of gunmetal-gray paint!
since that’s an improbable explanation
I reluctantly get up out of my hammock
to investigate
the blob smells like a can of rancid sardines
so I grab a bucket and a brush
yell to Dave for back-up
and we start sloshing it with salt water
it takes 10 minutes and some elbow grease
but we get it cleaned up

now I know nothing
about the digestive habits of birds
but I’ve decided
it must have been pelican poop
they’re the only birds around here
big enough to make that big a mess
maybe this one was sick
or maybe that’s just how pelicans poop —
come to think of it,
it looked like a larger, grayer version
of those runny little white bird droppings
that collect on park benches
and country mailboxes and car windshields —
and this bird was just rude enough
to hit my boat with his!
whatever the explanation
it’s not anything I care to see
(or smell) ever again!

now back to my hammock
for that stolen bit of peace and quiet
before it’s time for dinner

tuesday 21 march
lent 2017
Maho Bay, St. John


  1. I was entertained by your very descriptive, inconvenient encounter with pelican poop. Sounds similar to the sand hill crane's poop in our neighborhood. :)
