Friday, April 29, 2016



diving in, I met a school
of tiny silver fish
each one no longer than my eyelash
but millions of them
as far as the eye could see
clouding the water with their sparkle --
and then as suddenly as they’d come
they were gone
and the water was as clear again as air.

off the rocky point
among great gray boulders
I saw a beautiful canvas of blues and yellows --
large purple fans
waving gently in the ocean currents,
crusty coral the color of goldenrod
rather resembling bronze-plated oak leaves,
and spikey black sea urchins
hiding in the crevices.
dozens of fish were darting about
in this magical underwater playground
electric blue ones, softer greens and grays
and a large family of “tiger” fish
with their bold black and yellow stripes
looking for all the world like happy children
joining a pick-up game in the park.

I followed a pair of bright blue parrotfish
swimming across the reef --
dancers they were
gliding side by side almost touching
their movement perfectly synchronized
as if it had been choreographed
so graceful and so quick
they even did a pirouette for me
in perfect unison
like two ballerinas.

I saw an albino fish, almost translucent
white as the sand she swam over
only one small black dot on her tail
to give her away.
I saw a fat little multi-colored fish,
dark green with paisley swirls
of black and white, deep blue, orange, brown.
and I saw a small skinny fish
impossibly turquoise with neon green splotches
and a spot of bright red near the gills.

what a vast world there is
just under the water’s surface
vibrant with color and teeming with life.
and we float in the currents
pretending for a moment
we are part of that world,
and find ourselves privileged
to see a tiny slice of it.

wednesday 27 april
easter 2016
Benure's Bay, Norman Island


1 comment:

  1. What a lovely record of what you saw and the pictures that followed.
