Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Holding my Breath

Holding my Breath

I hadn’t known I’d been
holding my breath –
until we got out on the water.

A long weekend on land
with the boat in the yard.
Three days of hot chores
cleaning the bottom.
Three nights of being guests
in our friends’ most gracious home.
A month of waiting for repairs
to be scheduled and completed.
A last frantic moment at launch
when one engine wouldn’t start.

We put up sails
to head across the channel
in easy winds and sunshine,
and I could feel the air fill my lungs
as solid and restoring
as the breeze in my face.
I sat with Dave at the helm --
just grateful
to be sailing again,
to be home in our own space,
to be free of the worry of a damaged boat,
to find the floor once again rocking
gently under our feet.

In a land of “island time”
a million details had to come together
to get it all done.
I am amazed.
And I am breathing again.

tuesday, 5 april
easter 2016
Great Harbour, Peter Island

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