Tuesday, December 15, 2015


so much waiting in this place
waiting in immigration lines
waiting all day in town
waiting for food in restaurants
waiting again for the check
waiting for the taxi or the bus to show up
waiting for the laundry to dry
waiting, waiting, waiting,
and for such simple things that
should not take so long

I am frustrated,
bored, lonely.
I feel confined --
confined by the small spaces of a boat,
confined by the water that
hems me in in every direction,
confined by having nowhere much to go once
I do get ashore and few ways to get there,
confined by having to make my own water and electricity
and conserve it at every turn,
confined by the whims of weather and wind, rain and sun,
confined by the difficulty of making a phone call
to hear my children’s voices.

the waiting of Advent
seems so much more lofty than this,
more purposeful.
Waiting for a Savior.
Waiting for the peace of the world.
Waiting for all things to be made right.
Maybe all this everyday
waiting is just practice
in attending the world’s salvation.
But some days it’s hard to see how!

… later in church
as we waited once again
for the congregation to gather
and worship to begin,
a little old man beside me
began humming Great Is Thy Faithfulness
and I sang softly along with him.
For a few brief moments
we made sweet, intimate harmonies
in our little pew,
and the world changed.
With joy you will draw water
from the wells of salvation.
- sunday 13 december
advent 2015
Penns Landing Marina

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